
Why does this exist?

Even though COVID-19 pandemic has stopped us in our tracks, we have tried our best to remain functional and productive by adopting work from home norm as the "new normal". Schools, colleges and universities have their classes going on online via Google Meet and Zoom, and workloads have been reduced keeping the situation in mind.

However, this also has made the reliance of students on online platforms such as Chegg and CourseHero kind of unavoidable. We understand that there might be little to no interest in studying in these trying times, but that doesn't mean that these platforms are good for education. This was especially apparent in the Fall 2020 semester with rampant usage of online platforms in Take Home Assignments, and the irrevocable cancellation of scripts thereafter.

randomQgen aims to somewhat mitigate this issue by offering a way to generate question PDFs for each individual student from a specified selection of problems. It is not groundbreaking or anything, it is just a glorified random number generator, in layman terms. Turns out, randomness is quite powerful!